Absolutely! They have worked hard all season and deserve a medal. You can either tell your Coach prior to the last class so they can bring it to you OR you can pick up a medal at =PR= Run & Walk – Fairfax AFTER the 5K.
No, you do not. We understand that not every parent is as speedy as their enthusiastic runner. However, if your little one needs you then please do register as we must have all participants waivered and registered.
Packets for parents and family members may be picked up at the Plaza at Fairfax Corner on race morning.
We HIGHLY recommend you arrive 30 minutes prior to the start time. This allows your runner to warm up, use the bathroom, and not be stressed about getting to the starting line. No late starts will be allowed.
No. Sorry, we will not be accommodating race day registration. Please register online by 8PM the Thursday before the 5K.
Yes – there are a few port-a-pots, however, like any well-attended race, there may be lines. Encourage your child to use the bathroom before leaving home.
Please check with your coach and watch for any 5K specific emails that will be sent prior to the 5K. And always follow us on social media for the latest news.
Always best to ask your Coach before the 5K. Coaches often hold up signs to make it easier for their team to find them or have other methods of gathering their team. Keep in mind our Coaches need to perform many tasks at the 5K, so don’t be bummed if they have to leave to go to an assigned location.
We have a parking map for your convenience. Click Here
We will either have lead runners or cyclists for the first wave AND we have many volunteers along the course, called Course Marshals, to ensure you stay on track.
Yes – we have many volunteers, called Course Marshals, who want to see you have the best 5K. Please listen and watch for directions from these wonderful volunteers.
We will have medical tent at the start/finish area but if something happens on the course please find a volunteer and ask for help.
Yes and No. Parts of the course are closed to traffic, however, we do have to leave a lane available to cars. Please be mindful. Pay attention to signs, Course Marshals and stay on the correct side of the cones.
No. We are a non-competitive program that celebrates the accomplishments of all our runners.
Yes. We have a water station available at the half-way point and we have water at the finish line.
No. Please do not forget your bib.
Always best to make a plan with your child ahead of time. We recommend discussing ideas with your Coach as they are familiar with the course, have participated in many 5k’s and will have great ideas to keeping your family together and safe.
Dogs are not allowed on the RunFit Kidz course. Strollers are fine, but runners pushing a stroller must start in the last wave and always watch their speed.
We do not allow bib transfers.
We do not recommend it. It is always best to be aware of your surroundings so if you choose to listen to music keep the volume low. Note: RFK is not responsible for any injury incurred while listening to music.
The RunFit Kidz 5K is focused on celebrating the hard work of the kids and we do not want to take the spotlight away from them. Check the timing clock at the finish to know your time.
Please review the course map for the start/finish line or ask a volunteer when you arrive at the race site. Click Here for course map.
Northern Virginia weather can change quickly. Be sure to have a weather app on your phone and check the weather the night before.
It is always best to check the weather the night before. During both our spring and fall races the weather can vary therefore, it is best to be prepared with layers. Always wear your bib on the outermost layer.
Please review our emergency and contingency plan HERE.
Yes this course is USATF certified.
No, we have a no refund policy. If the race is cancelled a virtual option will be available and for all participants that registered prior to the tshirt deadline – you will receive your tshirt and bib #. All runners will be able to upload their virtual race time to the race portal.
When we turn around to find our friends this is usually when we trip and fall – so always look where you are going.
Tripping over shoelaces is avoidable. Be sure to check your shoes before you run.
For example, if someone needs to pass you move to the side to let them by. Slow down if you are coming up behind someone, to avoid clipping their heels. It is always best to be aware of others when running.
If you need water move over towards the water table to get a cup. Those who do not need water will pass you on the left and this will help avoid any collisions.
These volunteers are on the course to provide direction and instruction. Always listen when they tell you to slow down on a tight turn or to stay to the left because there is 2-way traffic. This information will allow you to stay safe.
It is available here
Check the weather the night before and have options at the ready. Layers are always a great idea.
Never take a detour or try to cut corners – going off the course can lead to injury – be smart and safe and remain on the 5K course.